Watch this funny webisode with comedian Jessica Holmes as she hits the playground and gets moms to confess what they’re giving their kids for lunch.
Tips to Beat the Lunchbox Lull
Tough love, tackling spills and keeping up with the cool kids. Beat lunch boredom with these six tips to make your kids' lunches fun...and edible.
Hilarious Mom, Jessica Holmes, Stars in Peter Pan
Jessica Holmes gives you a behind-the-scenes look at this year's Ross Petty production of Peter Pan.
by: Erica Ehm
To inspire teenage girls, we asked successful women how they coped with mean girls in highschool.
Comedienne Jessica Holmes has a funny rant about all things she didn't know about Motherhood until she became one.
Successful women on they would tell their 13 year old self in the hopes of inspiring teenage girls.
Insights and tips on the real meaning of beautiful from successful women to inspire teenage girls
Win a copy of Elaine Lui’s memoir LISTEN TO THE SQUAWKING CHICKEN courtesy of Random House of Canada!