Sex And Housework: Apparently men will lie, beg, cheat, kill and die for sex but apparently none will cook or clean for it. | Relationships |
Apparently men will lie, beg, cheat, kill and die for sex but apparently none will cook or clean for it.
Why "Done" Should be Eliminated From Your Vocabulary
The word every mom should forget she even knows.
"It was time for me to ask for help. It’s simple, but I know that I’m not the only one who just grits her teeth and pushes through."
men doing housework
It's not how much he gets paid but what he does that determines the amount of housework your man will do.
A new study shows that men who are sucking up dirt with a vacuum are sucking more in the bedroom.
Once upon a time there was a woman whose house was a mess and it was giving her stress. How her story ended happily ever after.
This doctor's official prescription: choose a pilates class over cleaning behind the fridge. Your house may not sparkle but your body will.
I expect my husband to help around the house, just as he expects me to.