I could hear my son screaming and crying as I walked away, and my heart broke into little shards that day.
by: Alex Thom
My 10 month, 18 day, 11 hour and 59 minute old daughter started daycare this morning. And I feel so guilty. Like the worst mom in the world.
I walked to my car with a prescription for blood pressure medication in my hand and felt like an absolute failure.
This culture of the woman and mom-martyr is bullsh*t and we need to put it to bed.
This tale of one mom's three moments of darkness in motherhood is for every mom who thinks she can't get through this day. You can endure, and become a warrior mom. | Parenting | Depression | YummyMummyClub.ca
This is for every mom who thinks she can't get through this day.
When You Are Too Tired for Date Night | YummyMummyClub.ca
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least."
Depression after weaning is common, but not well understood, and even less often discussed. So, let's talk about it.
I love gifts and shiny new things that I like. However, there are a few gifts I want to give myself... for my mental health.