Even celebrities struggle with post baby body sometimes.
This beautifully un-retouched ad from Lane Bryant celebrates body positivity.
Body positivity is approached with a sense of relativity around entitlement. Apparently some people deserve it more than others.
Chrissy Teigen Shares Priceless Photo of Stretch Marks | YummyMummyClub.ca
Chrissy Teigen gets real about "mom bod" on Snapchat.
Children's Weight and Obesity | YummyMummyClub.ca
Obesity is a real problem that often has its origins in childhood; but should kids know about it?
Girl Refuses to Do Her Homework | YummyMummyClub.ca
An Indiana student refused to do her homework, and she wasn't afraid to say so in a spectacular and wonderful fashion.
A Mother’s Plea to Parents of Boys: "I can’t do this on my own. I need your help." | YummyMummyClub.ca
"I can’t do this on my own. I need your help."
I know what you are thinking, “You’ve gotta be kidding me…” But it’s actually true.