The source of much frustration, much money spent, lessons learned and yet I still don’t know how to dress my lower half.
My son is ten. He’s still gorgeous (no, really, I’m totally not biased). I still love dressing and styling him. The problem is, he hates it.
Moms are active practically every minute of the day and it’s no wonder, given the word “Mom” is a noun AND a verb! So we need clothes that move!
Simply put, a capsule wardrobe is a closet built from basic pieces with an underlying emphasis on “mix and match-ability.”
Those holey, stained cotton briefs, that pilled bra with the spent elastic you’re spilling out of — that is the equivalent of impostor syndrome.
The move has been brought on by consumer feedback.
I am not exaggerating when I say: life-changing.
Stretch Marks are the New Plus Size
Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed a movement to include a variety of body types in advertising.