Getting Out of a Fashion Funk

Advice from a Fashion Guerilla

“What happened to me?” she moaned. “I used to be fashionable. I actually had a style.” Misery taking over, she cupped her face in her hands and leaned heavily on her elbows. “My own son has more fashion sense than I do and he’s only five!” 

This was my sister. The poor dear. Having had her son in her mid-thirties, she was now trying to fight off the impulse to fall into the trap of mommy-wearables; you know the ultra comfortable kind? Gone were the days of knowing how to pull off a pair of pumps without falling down or keeping up with the latest hot accessory. 

“Why don’t you go to the mall and buy some new cloths?” I gently offered. “Because I don’t know what to buy or where to start,” she wailed, now almost in tears. Oh, boy, this had to be handled delicately. “How about I do some scouting and then let you know what I find?” Her mood perking up slightly, she sniffed and then meekly said, “Okay.” 

Now I am no fashion expert – more fashion guerilla – able to scale tall clothing racks in a single bound in order to find the best deals and can dress any body type. 

So, here are my top 5 tips for forgoing the tears and getting out of a fashion funk:

Understand your body may have changed. Not a bad thing but the important idea here is to be willing to try on anything – and don’t limit yourself to your usual style or the size you were before motherhood. Go with what fits and ignore the size tag. Honestly, who’s gonna know unless you show them?

Buy basics and then add on. If you haven’t shopped for a while, or are starting from scratch due to weight gain or loss, first buy the basics in a solid colour (pants, skirts, jackets, sweaters) and then add this season’s hot colour in an accessory, shoe, purse or scarf. And remember “the test” – as in bending, squatting or sitting while in the change room. You may have to spend a little more on good quality items but they will last, and can be worn for more than one season.

Maternity stores are not just for pregnant ladies. Okay, this is a hard one to get over mentally, but hear me out – if you are plus size and want a flirty dress for every day or special occasion, check out a maternity warehouse store such as Thyme Maternity. I kid you not – I had my son 16 years ago and I still shop there! Why? Because the dresses have the fit I want and at great prices; empire waists which accent the smallest part of my body (the rib cage) and in pretty colours.

Just be careful with style choices – you want to look your size-you not three months pregnant.

Give B-list stores a chance. In my scouting mission for my sister I rediscovered Zellers and Marks Work Warehouse. Who knew Zellers had an Alfred Sung line of casual clothing? Fun skirts, twirly dresses and really pretty blouses for all shapes and sizes. Marks has an entire line of pants, jeans, sweaters and more that suck in and pull up the wobbly bits. Amazing! And at reasonable prices.

Get refitted for a bra. I cannot stress this one enough – most women do not wear the correct size or style. Go to a specialty shop or stop by a department store (i.e. Sears) to be measured accurately. You will pay more for a proper bra, but the benefits will outweigh the expense. Better posture and your girls will sit up, not spill out, or droop to your navel.

Good luck on your next shopping expedition. Keep these tips in mind but remember, no matter your size or current fashion funk, there are plenty of choices out there for you. Just go with an open mind, a list of what you need, and be willing to try on different styles outside of your comfort zone. You may be delighted with the results!

Trish King is a writer, blogger, and marketing consultant. She is a published columnist, writing on such topics as women in business and self-published a book about starting a new business.

You can find Trish at or