4 Pretty and Simple Back-To-School Braid Ideas

Braid tricks that will keep their hair trendy and tidy all school-year long

4 Pretty and Simple Back-To-School Braid Ideas

Don't get tangled up in time constraints. Paula Schuck is a busy mom of two and understands how hard it is to get girls to school on time. Check out her pretty braid ideas that can be finished in under three minutes.

Paula Schuck

Thirfty Mommas Tips!

Back-to-school means racing out the door with lunches made, backpacks ready, and not a moment to spare. Some days, time is so tight that I scarcely have a moment to do the hair and teeth checks as I kiss them good bye and wish them a great day. Luckily though, as a mom of girls, and a lifetime of having my own long hair, I have a few handy tricks that will keep their hair trendy and tidy all year.

We’ve been practicing a few pretty and simple braids for back-to-school routines with Goody accessories. Here are a few ideas for you to try:

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Mom of two teen girls, Paula Schuck, likes to joke that she's the Keeper of the Sanity, and some days that's the hardest job going. Paula (aka @inkscrblr) is a social media consultant and she writes about travel, parenting and health at Thrifty Mommas Tips. She lives in London, Ontario and is always hunting for the next mountain to ski.