Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Hormonal Hell

Is There Anything We Can Do

Forget about hell having no fury like a woman scorned, that fury has nothing, NOTHING, on me when I'm PMSing.

I'm just gonna put it all out there. I'm 43 and for the past three years my PMSing hormonal mood swings have increased exponentially, like some microorganism gone amok.  In layman's terms, I am a complete and utter bitch.  For 24 to 36 hours before (and guys you many just want to stop reading right here) I get my period, I am angry for no reason and walk around feeling on edge, most of the time clenching my stomach to stop from snapping at whoever is closest to me. You'd think I have abs of steel by now.

But it's not even the PMSing mood swings, it's also the mid-month ovulation hormones that have me bursting into tears for no reason. 

Every month it's an emotional roller coaster and, quite frankly, I want to get off–it's pretty much a given that my family would like me to as well–but I don't know how.  I exercise almost every day, I sleep well, I eat well.

So I'm asking you, my hormonal sister-wives, what the heck do you do to stop the hormonal crazy???