Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


A Mom Goes On Vacation Without Her Baby!

OMG! It's HORRIBLE! *Looks for sarcastic font*

Rebecca Eckler wrote a post on Mommyish about how she's going away on vacation for six days and leaving her 10-week-old baby behind. When I last checked, there were 210 comments, some defending her, most berating her.

People are up in arms! She's leaving! Her baby! OMG and WTF. THIS POOR BABY.


I'm not even going to state an opinion on the article because, really? Who cares?


Why are we so worried about how someone else is parenting her baby? Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean it's wrong.

I cut my kids grapes in half but if you don't, it doesn't mean you're a bad mom.

You co-slept until your kid went to school? Good on you.

Bottlefed instead of breastfed? High five, sistah.

We are so intent on proving we are right, we forget that our opinions are just that. Opinions.  Parenting is not "my way or the highway." Parenting is about making choices based on what works for your family.

The truth is this is only making headlines because we can't stop judging each other. In order to feel good about our own choices we have to put someone else's choices down. That's what sucks about this whole thing.

Now go read something newsworthy like this moth that looks like a poodle