Mummy Buzz


11 Year-Old Girl Dumps Boyfriend with Epic Text Convo

Breaking up is hard to do... Forreal

11 Year-Old Girl Dumps Boyfriend with Epic Text Convo

Ah, the tween life! Full of drama and hardship. And the relationships... don't even go there. An 11-year-old's epic break up text was leaked in screen shots taken by her older sister (her mother since confirmed they are legit). And you just know it's gold. 

The young Juliet - Madi - opens a series of texts to her current Romeo - Joey - with the killer "We need to talk" line. Poor guy doesn't know what's about to him him. All he did, after all, was hang at the park with a girl named Natalie... 

But it was a deal breaker for poor Madi, who was pissed after giving him two chances already.  

"Why would you cheat on me, Joey?" she asks, before condemning him to middle school alienation. Then she drops the "I didn't even love you" bomb. Bam! Run, Joey, run!

But no. Joey hits back, with undeniable proof that Madi did, in fact, love him in the fleeting time they were an item.

Ding ding. The closing line is a clincher. You may want to mentally file that one the next time you and your significant other get into a heated argument. This girl fights with the gloves off. Shudder to think what will happen once Madi hits high school.