Jennifer Rathwell: The Queen Of Screen


FOX Cancels The Mindy Project

We may meet Dr. Lahiri again on streaming channel

FOX, how could you? Do you not hear the anguished cry of a million Mindys across North America, drowning their sorrows at the doughnut shop?

There are talks to move The Mindy Project to a streaming service and it’s looking good with Hulu. WHICH CANADIANS CAN’T GET (without a fancy IP-masking workaround, that is. And I like to keep my television nice and legal, people.)

I know that Mindy herself has already bravely taken to Instagram to show that she is fine.

But we’re not fine, Mindy!


For the uninitiated, even though the series may go unresolved, I urge you to seek it out right now on Netflix and find out why I am ranting about this so hard. Mindy Kaling created a flawed, incredibly likeable and very relatable character in Dr. Mindy Lahiri and her quest for true love. And if you want a hot doctor love interest, there is nobody hotter on TV right now than Chris Messina as Dr. Danny Castellano (and that - SPOILER ALERT - includes McDreamy, may he rest in peace). The comedy is at once both whimsical and biting, and if you don’t fall in love with every one of Mindy’s boyfriends as she does, you have no heart.

Granted, there were some uneven parts of the show, including a revolving supporting cast of friends and then co-workers who appeared and disappeared, but once the show settled into being about Mindy and Danny’s Moonlighting-style character arc, it became the most adorable romantic comedy going.

By the way, FOX, The Mindy Project was the last and only show I was consuming on your network. (That’s right - I quit The Simpsons in 2001 or so and it’s not like it’s gotten better.) You have officially lost this Woman, Aged 34 - 44.

I hope it hurts like I did when I found out you killed The Mindy Project.

Image Source: FOX

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