Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Warning To Women Over 40

What Not To Do

You know when you have a weird pimple, maybe somewhere in the vicinity of your eyebrow and it won't go away. So in a moment of frustration you decide to squeeze it even though you're fully aware of the dire blemish popping consequences but you just want the damn thing to go away and do it anyway?

So you lean in close to the mirror over your dresser but the lighting is all bad and you can't see anything.  Then you spot your little cosmetic mirror, grab that and go sit on your bed in front of the window where lots of light is streaming in allowing you to see everything clear as day.  Only now you can't squeeze the pimple because you're holding the mirror with one hand.  So you place the mirror facing upwards between your knees and lean forward to squeeze with both hands that are now free.

Ya that.

Seriously.  Don't ever do it.

Gravity sucks ass.

You're welcome.