The Benefits And Pitfalls Of Being An Entrepreneur

When Life Throws You A Curveball

When I made the decision to open my own personal training business and leave the security of a full-time teaching job, I was single and had no qualms at all about the giant leap I was making. It was scary, exciting and exhilarating.

I loved being my own boss: I wanted to drink all night on a Thursday, I just took Friday off. (I said I was young and single!) Then I met my husband to-be and we decided to have a baby. I never really thought about the implications my pregnancy would have on my business.

Because there was no maternity leave available to me, I had saved enough money for my big three months I was going to take off of work and felt confident that my baby would come on schedule, sleep through the night by three months, and off I would go, back to work.

Well, the universe had a surprise in store for me! I went into labour suddenly at 26 weeks and my son was born weighing 2 pounds. Suddenly my whole world changed. I could hardly function. I didn't care about anything but my son, but I had to deal with my business, call clients, work on programs for them, figure out finances.

We were living in a different city so we could be with my son while he was in hospital for three months and were away from family and friends. I started exercising again about two weeks after my c-section (I know, bad) but it really helped me feel normal again - a little like my old self. It made me really understand the power of exercise, and routine in my life.

I had to be off work for 7 months, unpaid, leaving my clients to fend for themselves. Some went to other trainers or gyms, some waited for me. It was such a hard time for me and for my business. I had second thoughts about even going back to it - maybe I needed the security of a real job. Then I remembered how I felt when I started working out again after my baby, and realized that I was really helping people through my business.

In the end, my business was one of the things that helped get me through those times. It gave me a focus and a goal. It is my passion and I want to succeed at it for my son. I really feel like I help people and make their lives better, and it fulfills me, which in turn makes me a better mom.

Choosing my own hours and schedule is great with a busy 2 year old at home.(He is perfect and healthy, by the way) I don't go out drinking on a Thursday night anymore, but I could if I wanted to.

Eleni Kapetanios went to school for many years to become a high school teacher, which she promptly hated (no offence to teachers, it just wasn't for her). She had taught aerobics for years as well, and realized that fitness was her real passion, so Eleni became certified as a personal trainer as well.  Soon after quitting her teaching job, she opened her own business and never looked back.