Getting Rid of Debt

How Money Jars Became our System for Managing Money and Getting Out of Debt

It sounds so easy.

You go to work (well, ok, my husband does) make money, spend some on what you need, spend some more on what you want, then save the rest. Right? I wish. We’re learning to live within our means instead of wracking up more debt and it’s definitely harder than we thought.

Six months ago we made the decision to raise our family closer to our extended families. We had built a home and sold it, losing money in the deal. Now that we’ve moved we’re using the “jar” system.

Every pay check we pay any outstanding bills then put away some money in a jar for our next down payment. My husband has been biking to work. This saves a lot and he puts the money he would’ve spent on gas into the jar. Grocery money is put into another jar and it keeps us in check on shopping day. We’ve been doing really well on this system and it’s fun to see the money growing. My 4 year old son has caught our enthusiasm and has started his own jar. He collects all the pop bottles and cans we use and gets to keep the money from the recycling center.

Sounds rosy doesn’t it? Again, I wish.

Living within your means is extremely difficult to get used to when you’ve lived the easy, spend it when you want, lifestyle. Dinners out, shopping for the heck of it, lattes and expensive family days out all add up fast.

While living across the country from my family we had a baby girl. Without having anyone close to ooh and aah over our new addition I got really homesick with a big case of baby blues on top. This was easily solved by flying home for Christmas…then spring break, summer holidays, and so on. After living the “high life,” living cheap started out as a game. Soon it became a drag, then pretty darn stressful. Like the four month travelling cycle, our emotions take their own trips. First, we accept our situation, then we feel a little depressed, then one of us snaps and the arguments begin.

Still, I’m proud of the debt free direction we’re on and what we’re teaching our kids along the way. But what I wouldn’t give for my grande skinny cinnamon latte.

Kari Dodge is an aspiring writer of children's books and potentially a teen novel. She just moved back to her home town of Prince George, B.C. after living in Hot Springs Arkansas for a couple years.