We Love Fareen Jadavji Jessa

Foodie Of The Week

We Love Fareen Jadavji Jessa

 Tell us all about your blog

  Food Mamma is a blog about food, life and a little more food.  The entries in my blog contain dishes that I prepare at home with my 3-year-old, Qais, as well as restaurant reviews.  You can find me on Twitter Pinterest, and Facebook.

  What inspired you to begin writing about food?

  I always have my camera with me, capturing memorable moments. Food pictures are a must because it’s a big part of the memory.  Over the years, I’ve accumulated a lot of food pictures.  I was an avid food blog reader and one day decided it would be a great outlet to post those pictures and showcase some of the food that I was enjoying.

  Describe your favorite food memory

  My favourite food memories are the ones from our family gatherings.  They are always centered around food!  We are blessed with so many great cooks in our family and our monthly dinners are filled with so much deliciousness!   Great food + wonderful family = amazing food memories!

  Cook or bake—which one?  Either, both, and why?


I love the cooking aspect, where you can pretty much throw anything into a pot and make it into something special for your family.  With cooking, it’s fun to experiment with new flavors and spices.  You aren’t limited with precise measurements and its fun to come up with new recipes.

I love baking and creating memories with my little guy.  He loves to measure, mix and of course, lick the beaters.  I was lucky enough to get home baked goods when I was growing up so it’s fun to be able to do that for Qais.  I’m hoping that when he’s older, and he smells a batch of freshly baked cookies, he’ll remember baking with his mamma. 

  What is the best thing you've ever eaten? Where did you eat it? 

  From the streets of India eating pani puri, to the alleys of Nice having steak and frites, the delicious pizza in Rome, the pain au chocolat aux amandes in Geneva, or the ginger beef a few minutes away – it’s hard to just narrow it down to one!

  Share a favorite recipe

  This is a great summer recipe for Nutella Ice Cream.  When summer comes around, the ice cream maker comes out of hiding.  This has just a handful of ingredients but is full of rich chocolate goodness.

She may go by the name Scatteredmom online, but Karen really is anything but scattered when it comes to the kitchen.  Churning out tasty treats within view of the Georgia Strait on Canada's west coast, Karen will hand you an organized weekly meal plan or teach you how to make meals from scratch.  As Mom to a teenage boy, she knows exactly what it takes to keep kids full and happy-which has really come in handy with her job as the Food Editor at Yummy Mummy Club.

A strong supporter of Food Revolution who has been endorsed by Jamie Oliver himself, by day Karen can be found working as a special education teaching assistant, running a kitchen and showing teenagers how to cook nutritious meals for themselves.  By night, when she's not chatting on Twitter and answering cooking questions,  she writes her popular blog Notes From the Cookie Jar, or posting mouthwatering recipes over at Chasing Tomatoes.  Not afraid to give her opinion and passionate about community, Karen spoke at Blissdom Canada 2010 and her writing has been published in Canadian Living magazine, as well as in various online publications. 

Follow Karen on Twitter @scatteredmom