
Tell Toddlers What they Can Do, Not Always What They Can't

Instead of putting the focus on "stop," "don't touch," and "no," tell your children what they CAN do.

Example: Move breakables from bottom cupboards and say, "open these! Go for it." Then make sure to have "tidy time" afterward to put everything back.

You can also use an "instead of" statement like this, "Instead of climbing on that chair which can tip over, climb on this sturdy one." With toddlers, use a short label they can understand to describe which chair they can climb on, "THIS is the climbing chair!"

RELATED: How To Get Through Tough Parenting Moments

Andrea Loewen Nair is a former teacher & psychotherapist and founder of Infinity School in London, Ontario Canada. She specializes in the connection between parents and their children and also teacher-coaching. She has been our most-read writer at YMC for 2013, 2014 and 2015! Andrea's parenting and teaching help can be found here and on her social media.
