Your Pregnancy Week 8

Are You Craving or Gagging at the Thought of Food?

by: YMC
Your Pregnancy Week 8

Two months down! Woot! Pat yourself on the back…or on the belly.

First-time mums probably aren't showing at this point (though you may have put on a few pounds), where moms who've previously been pregnant might be. In addition to some morning sickness, an expanding waistline, and some serious breast changes (size, colour, sensitivity, oh my!), you could start to have food cravings or aversions around this time. If the nausea is still going strong, you may find that the smells of certain foods makes you gag or even throw up. Really sexy, right? Or in opposite land, you may unexpectedly find that you’re ravenous for certain foods or food combinations. You might even wake up in the middle of the night wanting to munch on pickles, or popcorn or ice cream (or all three!).

No matter where you’re at in your pregnancy our guide will keep you up-to-date. Find out more about what’s happening to your body here.