Your Pregnancy Week 17

Your Expanding Uterus

by: YMC
Your Pregnancy Week 17

Not surprisingly your little one is larger, better looking, and smarter than he or she was last week (be proud, mama). This will go on for at least a dozen or so more years, so get used to it. That incredible miniature development is nearly half a foot long (mmm, a six inch sub with all the toppings, here we come!).

And so are you. By now, you’ve probably gained between five and 10 pounds. And that's a good thing!

Around this time you will more than likely encounter a sensation akin to someone stomping on your crotch and uterus wearing cement shoes…otherwise known as round ligament pain. This pain is usually an aching and or stabbing (not two words you wanted to hear, we’re betting) in the lower stomach and pelvic area and is most often felt at the end of the day. It is completely normal, caused by the stretching of ligaments and muscles that support your expanding uterus.

Tip: Sleep on your left side, since lying on your back can compress the pelvic veins, decreasing blood flow to the lower half of your body. Lying on your left side relieves this pressure, allowing for normal blood flow. Some pregnant mamas actually rearrange their bedroom furniture at this point so they can still watch TV while lying on their left side. There’s no way a gestating mom should be forced to go without her nightly dose of TV for five whole months!

No matter where you’re at in your pregnancy our guide will keep you up-to-date. Find out more about what’s happening to your body here.