Your Pregnancy Week 13

The Second Trimester

by: YMC
Your Pregnancy Week 13

The fetus is now about 3 inches long and weighs just about an ounce -- approximately the same size as half a banana (have you noticed that every time we talk about the size of the baby we relate it to food?). Vocal cords are forming (one step closer to those 3am crying sessions) as are tiny arm and leg bones, and the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen. If you press your stomach gently, she or he will start rooting -- as if looking for a nipple (yes, your nipple).

As for mama, the trance of early pregnancy is likely lifting. For some, the fun side effects – extreme fatigue, frequent urination, and nausea – start to fade around now. Your uterus, while large enough to announce that you are pregnant, isn't so huge that it is unwieldy. Just wait, it will be!. If you're wondering about sex during pregnancy, honestly, anything goes. You may suddenly feel sexier than ever, or perhaps your partner is completely entranced by your rounding body and those awesome pregnancy breasts. But we're guessing their hands are the last things you want on you right now. This is normal and is likely to change (and change again and again) as you get closer to your due date.

No matter where you’re at in your pregnancy our guide will keep you up-to-date. Find out more about what’s happening to your body here.