Month 9 of Your Pregnancy

Here's What You Can Expect This Month

by: YMC
Month 9 of Your Pregnancy

A week by week pregnancy resource that gives you the down-and-dirty truths of your journey towards motherhood. Here's week 33- 40.

Your Pregnancy Week 33

In Week 33, a little anatomy lesson on how babies really come out...


Your Pregnancy Week 34

In Week 34, getting prepared for hard labour....


Your Pregnancy Week 35

In Week 35, your uterus has performed an astounding feat...


Your Pregnancy Week 36

In Week 36, you have a lot of scheduling to do...


Your Pregnancy Week 37

In Week 37, why you're rearranging your linen closet..again...



Your Pregnancy Week 38

In Week 38, how to cope with the pain of delivery...



Your Pregnancy Week 39

In Week 39, secrets to inducing your labour...



Your Pregnancy Week 40

In Week 40, what you should know about your baby's due date...




Your Pregnancy Month 8

No matter where you’re at in your pregnancy our guide will keep you up-to-date. Find out more about what’s happening to your body here.