Au Revoir, Birth Plan

Sometimes The Perfect Plan Is No Plan

Au Revoir Birth Plan

After my first labour, au naturel, I went in a pro . . . or so I thought. But this wasn't just routine breathing that was needed. It all started with me waking up, stepping out of bed, and my water breaking. On the morning of my baby sprinkle shower. Ten days before my due date! 

So, we took a deep breath and realized that we had yet to complete the belly cast that we did with our first. So, we grabbed a towelme in labour, drippingmy hubby layered the goop on, and we completed it. I can tell you, it was a wee bit uncomfortable. 

Off to the hospital we wentshower cancelled, casting completed, smiles and excitement in place. With my first, my water never broke, and to this day, I believe that had a lot to do with how I made it thirty-six hours without a Tylenol, au naturel! 

So, I was confident I was doing just that again. It was in the birth plan that much like our first, it was going to be au naturelworkable with breathing, and the support of my amazing husband. It was my second, it had to be faster and less painful, right?

Definition of a Birth Plan: a written list of your preferences to be used as a guide for how you would like your labour and delivery to go. As labour can be unpredictable, you may need to deviate from this plan, at times, during labour.

Deviate is an understatement! After fifteen hours, with no progression, I couldn't take another moment. The pain was too unbearable. I got itthe Epidural! The prefect plan I had in place was gone. Birth plan out the window. Au Revoir! 

WOW! What a relief the epidural was. I slept, I restedthe day was so easy! LOL. I hit the thirty-six hour mark this time, too, but it didn't end at all how I expected it to. As pushing started, his heart rate jumped. He was under stress, stuck, and I couldn't get him out. It all happened so quick. I was scared, worried, crying, and helpless. I was told not too push (mommies, you know how hard that is!). I was rushed for an emergency C-section—something I never expected, nor looked into. It wasn't on the birth plan. 

I was surprised just how quickly my small rural town hospital called in the staff needed. The staff got me in the operating room minutes later. I remember how cold it felt. Shiny and filled with smiles and reassuring eyes. 

I was scared by the straps that pinned me down, and the fear of our baby! 

After the quick reaction of the wonderful doctor and nursing staff in our small rural town hospital, we had a beautiful chunky baby BOY! Born 9lbs 11oz , which is why he was stuck! 

This year he turned four.

My birth plan was not as planned, but I am sure happy that my birth plan went out the window. We have a beautiful, amazing son, who brightens our days. Together we have a storymuch more than my reserved birth plan wrote, which makes our story uniquely ours. He also has the proud bragging rights that he was my biggest baby, leading his bothers to their entry via scheduled C-section, which is a whole other story I wrote. Check out Too Posh, Too Push

Did your birth plan deviate a wee bit or was it perfectly as planned? Please share, I'd love to hear!

Tammy is a Supermom of four, a nature lover, and is married to her childhood sweetheart. Tammy loves to cook, garden, hike and most of all – family time. In between spilled milk and playing cars, Tammy lets her creative juices flow when writing on where you will be inspired. See dreams come true as you learn about the latest happenings in motherhood and read reviews from a SUPERMOM.