Pregnancy Advice You'll Want to Read Right Now

Real Life Advice From Real Moms


Enjoy every second of it. Not everyone who wants to get pregnant and carry a baby can. Don't take it for granted. It's a privilege.
Tara M.

It's ok if you don't like it!! Not everyone does. (Me included both times!!) But the end result is worth it.
Kimberly H.

Sheyla B.

Eat twice as healthy, not twice as much
Debbi W.

Don't read too much! Women I know that read every book and article on the Internet tend to be stressed over nothing. And don't stress over the perfect birth plan. The best plan you can have is no plan at all.
Anna-Marie M.

Try not to pay too much attention to the unsolicited advice and the labour/delivery/child rearing "horror" stories. If you can't help but listen, always consider the source before deciding whether the info shared makes you feel less or more happy about the new, little person you'll be welcoming into the world. With breastfeeding, be patient with yourself, your body and your baby. It stands to reason that it takes time to adjust to this unique and fascinating process of feeding your child with your own body. It takes time for baby to learn, too. It's so worth the time, energy and commitment invested at the beginning, is healthy for both mum and child and is something fathers don't have "the tools" to do. 'food for thought.
Jennifer A.

I say nothing unless they ask for advice!!
Mary M.

I don't give advice, just encouragement. It's your body it's your baby(ies) do it your way.
Krista S.

Set aside $$$$ for a "mommy makeover" after your last child.
Lisa B.

Relax and enjoy every moment. Don't worry about how your body is changing, remember the miracle growing inside of you.
Branka S.

You're the only person in the world that knows your baby right now. That makes you the expert on that little person. Always remember that.
Amanda M.

Whatever you are doing you are doing right. Whatever birth choices you choose are right. Look into placenta encapsulation.
Jenny D.

That it is not a license to eat whatever you want, despite the fact that society encourages you to. Seriously. I speak from experience.
Tasha P.

Enjoy the little moments -  those early morning kicks and somersaults the baby makes. You'll miss that feeling even with baby in your arms. It's the mystery of it.
Shirley M.

Enjoy it there's no other feeling like it in the world.
Analisa G.

Sleep a lot. Eat healthy, exercise, take the maternity pills
Gabrielle C.

Don't Google anything!
Penelope P.

Excercise! Unless there are extenuating circumstances and the doc says "no." Also, read about raising a child - you won't have much time after the baby comes. I spent most of my pregnancy worrying about the labour. And it went totally differently than expected. I wish I spent the time learning how to be with my baby, thinking up schedules, and how to deal with the terrible two's.
Karina B.

Do what feels right for you. Only listen to the advice that makes sense to you, and know that you look beautiful
Maureen T.

Buy a body pillow - you'll need it.
Kirstin K.

Get all the sleep you can and enjoy your time with your partner as a couple.
Kala L.

Don't read the books. Don't Google. Trust your gut. Listen to your doctor. Love every moment.
Melissa D.

Your body your rules. You're quite capable of being the mammal you were meant to be.
Renee R

Don't read too much! I found that asking other moms for advice was a good way to get a few opinions and then make your own decisions that work for you and your family. You WILL feel judged - just trust yourself. Also, I'm pregnant with my second right now and have had a very hard pregnancy compared to my first. It's ok to admit if you're not enjoying it or having difficulty. The pressure to always say everything is rainbows and unicorns and you're so lucky to be pregnant is a lot when you don't feel that way. You can be extremely grateful and excited for your baby to come without enjoying every second of the process. Don't suppress those feelings - embrace the good, the bad and the ugly!
Trina D.

Don't stress about the weight gain...and giving birth is not half as bad as people will tell you.
Chloë M.

Take your prenatal vitamins at night, really helps with nausea that tends to last all day.
Laura M.

Take time to relax. Don't worry about having everything "ready" for the baby. All they need is milk, sleepers, diapers and somewhere to sleep.
Alli C.

And finally, last but not least...this little nugget from Tracy T:

You may love it. You may hate it. Your body is doing what it is "supposed" to do to grow a human that will change your life. Whatever you're felling, thinking about, it WILL end. Enjoy it or don't enjoy it, only you can have the experience your having. It's as individual as we are. Give yourself permission to think and feel whatever you want.


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