A Yummier Mummy

by: Erica Ehm

As an exhausted multiasking mother and role model for two delicious kids, I'm always trying to up my yummy parenting quotient. So here are my New Year's Resolutions to be a yummier mummy...

Overturn Over-programming

After reading studies which prove unscheduled downtime creates out of the box thinkers, I believe kids need downtime to emotionally regroup after school, have playdates and not be too tired for homework. As much as I want my little ones to succeed in this ever increasing competitive world, in the new year I will continue resisting the urge to enroll them in a variety of sports, art classes and second/third language programs.

Listen to my Kids

Mummy does know best, especially when she learns to listen to her kids. Whether it's feeling full when there's still food on a plate, or feeling sick when there are no symptoms, I'm realizing my kids are often more intuitive than I give them credit for. So now, when my kids tell me something I don't really want to hear, I'll take time to listen carefully. Chances are my kids know something I don't.

Get More Active

I admit it. I'm not an outdoorsy kind of gal. I'm more comfy in front my computer or book. Too often my kids are lounging when we could be running, riding or skating. I promise to be more active with my kids. It's better for all of us.

Homework Heaven

After hearing an educational consultant speak, I learned one of the most efficient ways of getting children to do their homework is to choose a consistent time daily, with little or no wiggle room. I discovered my son works best close to bedtime after his shower. My plan is to maintain that schedule, in the hopes of reducing tension around homework and magically turn homework into a special, creative time we spend together.

Guilt-free Me-time

Why does a pang of guilt rip through me when girlfriends invite me out for dinner or a movie? Why don't my husband and I celebrate our relationship more often? As overworked, overly responsible parents, we NEED time away from our kids to have fun, shake loose the stress and remember we're more than parents. I hope to have more guilt free playdates in the new year. In doing so, my kids will see mummy as more than just a caregiver. I'm a sexy woman who needs to get out to play too!


Go to the next page for more yummy New Years Resolutions!


Time to Tidy

My children rarely tidy their room. I find it takes more energy to insist on a clean up than doing it myself. What am I teaching them? If they put up a fuss, they don't have to do the work. I'm not proud of this. That's why I will devote extra time and energy to my kids taking the responsibility to tidy up.

Birthday Party Change

Enough with the presents already. Birthday parties are out of hand. I am continuing to infuse charity into my kids parties. They will choose which gifts to donate. Or I will sign up for an ECHOage.com party, a online company started by 2 moms who collect donations from guests, half the money going to a charity, the other half to a big gift for the party person. That's yummy!

Leave Work at my Office

My husband and I are workaholics, both umbilically attached to Blackberries. My hope is the two of us will pry ourselves away from work, physically and mentally, to be fully there for our kids. Even though we are sending the message of loving what you do to our kids, we also need to be present one hundred percent when hanging with the family.

Stop Comparing Kids

My son is the tallest. My daughter is the smartest and they're both the cutest. Of course they are. We all have the best kids. (No, I really do!) So, why are we constantly comparing our little treasures to other kids on the block. Every child will have strengths and weaknesses, and develop differently. This is what makes them unique. Celebrate their strengths and work on their weaknesses. And love them for who they are.

Pat Myself on the Back

How often do you hear, I'm a great mom!? Next to Never! Instead, it's I'm the world's worst mother accompanied by head in hands. Rarely do we give ourselves a pat on the back and acknowledge our successes as multi-tasking moms. This year I will cut myself some slack and pat myself on the back every time there's a small victory. (I got them to school on time! Hurray for me!)

What about you? What are your New Years Resolutions?


Erica Ehm has gone from rock'n roll to rocking the cradle. After a decade starring on MuchMusic, she had kids and is the founder of YMC.ca and the Ehm & Co, a digital agency focused on moms. Erica's two teens Josh and Jessie, and hubby Terry help her put life into perspective.