How to Raise Determined Kids

Determination is Key to Success

determined kids

Anyone who has ever been around a child who is attempting to do something that their parents do not want them to do knows full well just how determined a child can be.

Anyone who’s watched any sort of professional sporting event knows full well just how determined an adult athlete can be. Anyone who has seen a person start, grow and succeed with a business all their own knows full well just how determined you need to be in business.

Look at any parent, and it’s a study in determination. Determination is key to success. Whether you are a child, an athlete, a business person or a parent, you need determination.

When determination in a child is first showing, it can easily be waved as a frustrating time for the parents but in all seriousness, it’s very important to encourage and develop determination with your child. A journey like developing determination is really just a lot of small steps. Try some of these steps with your family.

 Encourage your child to complete tasks that he or she has started. Help him or her develop the habit of finishing what he or she begins. (I know, this is ironic for multi-tasking moms with 63 projects on the go to do, but this is a case of “Do As I Say” not “Do As I Do”.

 Work on determination-building activities with your child. Try putting together a puzzle, building a fantabulous Lego building or even try a game like checkers or your fave board game

 Share stores of determination with your child. Talk about times that you found something difficult, but kept at it until you reached your goal. Kids forget that parents were they themselves, once kids. Odd concept for them.

Success and Determination have one thing in common – they are not always the easiest to achieve. Some people (kids AND adults) may think they are determined, but when you sit down and think about it, are you? What’s your follow-through like? Do you know when to proceed and when to quit?

The best way to encourage success and determination with your kids is simple – don’t go it alone. There’s a reason why there is more than one person in a relay race, isn’t there? Set the pace for the determination-relay-race in your family, and your family will follow.


Eileen Fisher is a mom of 2 and a work-at-home mummy based out of the Fraser Valley in Beautiful BC. Eileen loves life as a work-at-home mummy and is hoping that one day, her kids will stop stealing the paper from the printer and putting stickers on her laptop case. In the meantime, she secretly enjoys the sabotage and always makes sure the paper and stickers are within easy reach. Follow Eileen on Twitter at @YMC_BC