Why You Sometimes Need to Close The Calendar

Live in the NOW

Living in the Present

I grew up in a family that seemed to wait for life to happen, while I was always on the edge of my seat, biting my tongue, wanting to just experience it.

We were a family that was always fully prepared for every event, followed a calendar and clock with dedication, made certain that everyone had a good night of sleep and almost never went out on school nights. Why? Because we had school the next day.

To this day, when I call my sister to do something on a Sunday, she says, “No thanks, we have school tomorrow.” I long-ago decided that, when I had a family of my own, I wanted them to delve in and experience life in the moment and not wait for it to happen. As it turned out, old habits and patterns are hard to break.

When my son started school, my desire was for my children to learn that summer vacation wasn’t over until it was actually over. With all of the supplies bought and lunch specialties created and tucked away in the freezer, I decided to have a Back-to-School yard party, two nights before school started, and invited neighbours and friends with children similar in age to ours.

This yard party has become an annual event and, this year with Max heading into grade eleven and Jillian grade nine, we will host it once again.

Over the years, the activities have changed from kite flying and wiener roasts to ziplining over the creek and setting off rockets, but the lesson remains: live in the moment. Enjoy every last second of your summer.

Jump off of the edge of your seat and live!


Ellyn has 21-years of experience teaching mostly 5 & 6 year olds and a Masters in Educational Leadership. She loves life and writes about it. Along with her husband, she presently parents two teens and sees her most important current role as a passionate homemaker. She lives on a farm with her family in rural Alberta along with their two Golden Retrievers and Himalayan house cat Sophie. Ellyn fell in love with blogging and started her first one in 2007. She presently has four blogs and has been invited to guest post by others on their blogs as well as moderate via #Kinderchat. She is enraptured by life...