7 Little Sleep Changes With Big Impact

Because you need sleep too, Mom

Getting Better Sleep | YummyMummyClub.ca

As parents, we are often so concerned about our little ones’ sleep (or lack thereof!) that we forget to focus on our own proper, healthy rest. However, not only is great sleep vital to living a happy, healthy life, but well-rested parents are happier, more focused, more patient, and more present for their children. So don’t let it slide!

Both quantity and quality matter when it comes to sleep, and your daytime habits and bedtime routine are equally important in ensuring you get a proper night’s sleep. Here are 7 small changes you can make to make big and fantastic changes to your sleep:

Have a consistent sleep-wake schedule

Going to bed at about the same time every night and then scheduling yourself to wake at approximately the same time every day will help to set your body’s internal clock and, in turn, increase the quality of your sleep. Set a bedtime of when you normally feel tired, so that you have an easier time falling asleep. Adults who are getting enough sleep are able to wake naturally without an alarm – if you need an alarm clock on a daily basis in order to wake up, you probably need to set yourself an earlier bedtime.

Turn your bedroom into a quiet, peaceful environment

Keeping noise down, keeping your room cool, and making sure that your bed is comfortable, are all simple ways to help you drift off to sleep more easily, and stay asleep all throughout the night. If you can’t eliminate street noise or other sounds, try using a fan, or a sound machine with a white noise or rain setting. Also, most people sleep best in a cool room of about 18° C – if your room is too hot or too cold, it can affect your quality of sleep. Finally, if you often toss and turn, or wake with a sore back or neck, it may be time to invest in a new mattress and/or pillow, to ensure the firmness of both are appropriate for your body type and sleep needs.

Avoid caffeine well before bedtime

Believe it or not, that mid-day latte is messing with your sleep, even 10 hours after you drink it! Caffeine can cause sleep problems up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it; so, avoid caffeine after lunch, and cut back your overall java consumption.

Create a consistent and calming bedtime routine

That’s right – bedtime routines are not just for kids! Establishing a consistent pre-sleep routine and performing it – in the same order – each night, sends sleep cues to the brain that help you prepare for sleep. Simple steps like washing your face, brushing your teeth, and doing some brief, deep breathing exercises, can go a long way to help getting you ready for Dreamland.

Don’t watch the clock!

NOT staring at the clock when you wake at night can be hard, but the stress and anxiety caused by this worry revs up your brain and encourages it to stay awake.  Turning your clock away from you before bedtime will not only help you to avoid watching the minutes tick by if you wake at night, but will also avoid your brain being stimulated by the bright light emitted from the clock, which will keep you from falling back to sleep easily.  

Avoid filling up right before bed

While of course you want to go to bed feeling nourished and hydrated, you also want to avoid filling up on either food or drink right before heading to Snoozeville – just say no to heartburn and frequent bathroom trips! Make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, fatty, spicy or acidic foods within a couple hours of bedtime, which can lead to heartburn and difficulty sleeping. Also limit juice, tea, and other fluids within a couple hours of bedtime, which will mean interrupted sleep as you had to the loo!

Get regular exercise, but not too close to bedtime

Regular, vigorous exercisers are shown to sleep better and feel more energetic throughout the day. And even light exercise – like walking for 10-15 minutes per day – can improve your quality of sleep. But remember that exercise is very stimulating, so try to do it in the morning or early afternoon, and not within a few hours of your bedtime, to avoid being too revved up to fall asleep!

For great tips and loads of advice on baby and toddler sleep, check out www.weesleep.ca, and our Facebook page.  

 RELATED: Why You Need a Sleep Cleanse 

Janey Reilly is the mother of one, and the Founder, and Well-Rested President of WeeSleep and its Dream Team. When Janey isn't at her desk working with her team and clients around the globe to help their children get the health sleep they need and coaching her team of 23 amazing Sleep Consultants across Canada, US and New Zealand,  she is doing lunges at the gym, or on social media.  She is more than passionate about healthy sleep for babies and parents (especially Mom!).