
I Wonder if I Will Have Made the Most of the Passing Of Summer

While January marks the beginning of the calendar year it is September that marks the passage of time for me in a way that nothing else does.

It’s not their birthdays that make me see how much the boys are growing; it’s the passing of summer, and the inevitability of back to school.

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The Sounds of Summer are a Gift

For a few seconds, I was a child again.

It was not a conscious act on my part; I did not set out to reclaim these memories of my childhood. It was a gift.

It was a typically typical trip to the park. They were off—running, laughing, pretending, fighting, making up—and then off and running again. I was on the bench, reading, occasionally glancing up to watch their antics or when they wanted my attention. Mummy, look at me! Did you see that? Are you watching? Look what I can do.”

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Summers From Our Childhood

What Were My Parents Thinking?

Gone are the summers of my childhood, a time when summers were about playing with friends for hours on end……..unsupervised. My parents didn’t hover over us like stealth helicopters swooping in when fights broke out or dangerous activities like hanging upside down on the monkey bars or riding our banana bikes with no hands occurred.

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