
The Magic of Family Fun Night

They're Wired, You're Tired

Since last June, every Friday night in our house has been Crazy Night. Son No. 1 and Son No. 2 alternate weeks and, essentially, are allowed to choose whatever they want for dinner. 


I know. I alternate between thinking I'm the best mom ever and thinking I'm completely insane.

When I first told the boys they were ecstatic, yet unbelieving. What was the catch?

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Meal Planning 101

Three Simple Meals To Get You Through Your Week

I try to be the mom that feeds her kids good food all the time but the truth is, I’m somewhere in between being organically, fresh food obsessed and holy shit I’m running late yet again what the hell are we going to have for dinner. 

Some weeks I plan meals, other weeks I’m all willy nilly.  I buy fresh fruit and vegetables with the best of intentions only to find a rotted cucumber at the bottom of my vegetable drawer in the fridge.  Food wastage drives me insane and yet my kids don’t like leftovers. 

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