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5 Quick Tips To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Plan

5 Quick Tips To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Plan

Every January thousands of people make the resolution to get fit but by the end of the month, enthusiasm has diminished, newly purchased treadmills start to gather dust and dreams of running a marathon are replaced with Netflix marathons.

From someone who has been there, done it, and struggled along the way, these are quick and easy tips to help make being healthy more manageable.

Do You Have The Balls For This Resolution?

Have A Visual Record Of Your Workouts

One of the biggest truths I’ve learned is that it’s easy to skip workouts. You can always work out tomorrow, right? But then tomorrow turns into the next day, and then the next day, until you realize you’ve gone a week without doing anything.

Print out a simple monthly calendar and put it somewhere you will see it. Each time you work out, put an X through that day.

As you can see, I thoroughly enjoyed my Christmas holidays but am now back on track for January.

Pay Yourself

My bootcamp friend let me in on her little secret. Each time she goes for a run she pays herself $5.00 then at the end of the month she buys herself something fitness related. This year I’m paying myself a Toonie for every 30 minutes of exercise I do and at the end of the year I’m going to surprise my family with something. However you decide to ante up, pay to play is a good incentive.

Break It Up

Don’t use not having a large chuck of time as an excuse. Not every workout has to be 30 minutes or more. Fitting in short workouts throughout your day makes it more manageable and I know you have time for a quick ten-minute workout because you're sitting here reading this, aren't you. #Busted

So go for a brisk walk on your lunch hour or even fit in exercise during commercial breaks while watching your favourite television show. 

A Ten-Minute Workout That Works

Make It Fun

Being active doesn’t necessarily mean going to a gym, taking a fitness class or jogging on a treadmill. If you find something you love, you’ll be more likely to do it. I do a family bootcamp with my kids once a week where they consistently kick my ass.  So think outside the box and join a boxing class, take up dance, or get your friends and family together for a weekly walking group. Create a fitness program that works for you.

It’s Not All Or Nothing

I used to have the mindset that if I couldn’t do 30 minutes or more….HARD….I wouldn’t do it at all. Basically I set myself up for failure. Whether you’re tired, stressed, or simply not feeling motivated, some days will be better than others. Even if you get active for only 15 minutes, that’s 15 minutes more than if you stayed sitting.

Take It One Day At A Time

Every workout is unique. Some days you’ll knock it out of the ballpark, other days your workout will knock you on your ass. Never fret about what happened yesterday, don’t think about tomorrow, simply take each workout as it comes.