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This Is The Year I Remember

The Simple Pleasures That Make Life Good

This is the year I remember

To hand surf out my car window on a breezy summer day.
To wear warm clothes taken directly from the dryer.
It is not where I drink the coffee it is who I drink the coffee with.
Sometimes doing nothing is doing something.

This is the year I remember

I am a person who uses brands, I am not a brand.
Every person in my life is deserving of my full eye contact and attention when we are having a conversation.
People are more important than tech.
Dating doesn't stop when you get married.
Hearing is not the same thing as listening.

This is the year I remember

A drive-through parking spot should be celebrated.
A hug will always make things better.
To never walk by a swing without swinging on it.
There needs to be at least three impromptu water gun fights in every summer.
Dreams are meant to be shared.

This is the year I remember

There should never be even a moment's hesitation about eating a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven.
Songs are meant to be danced to no matter where you are.
Those little hands I hold will not always be little so hold them as often as I can.
Food is meant to be savoured.
Bubble wrap is a gift.

This is the year I remember

Bravery comes in many forms.
Dancing in the rain isn't just for children.
A pile of crisp autumn leaves is meant to be jumped in.
Every person has a story as unique as they are.

This is the year I remember

There is magic in every single day if we make the effort and choose to find it.

What will you remember this year?