Sarah Gunn: Wall Candy


Vintage Décor Shopping

More Nova Scotian Decor Treasures

I took advantage of my boys’ nap time the other afternoon and went back to the shop where I found my first Nova Scotia treasures to take another look around and I found some more vintage loveliness. The prices are out of this world amazing.

Can you even believe it? I picked up the lamp base for my mom. It needs to be rewired, but $3.00? Wow. I seriously want it for myself! I saw the jug last time I was there and wasn’t sure. I am so happy I bought it this time though. I know just where I will put it. The frame was outside the building locked behind a fence in a covered porch. I spotted it from the car and I can’t wait to work some DIY magic on it!

I also picked up these pretty little crystal glasses. I hesitated because there are only 5 but I know I will find a use for them. Did you see the price?

I am still on the hunt for some silver trays, small crystal pitchers and more ironstone pitchers. My shopping partner {my mom} and I are doing some serious shopping next week, so I hope I will have some more fabulous finds to share with you, along with a list of must stop shops.
