homemade doughnuts

When I received a copy of Homemade Doughnuts, by Kamal Grant, for review, my eight-year-old son nearly lost his mind with happiness. This book provides a number of delectable doughnut recipes, as well as icings, glazes, fillings, and fun toppings, like carrot sprinkles and orange dust, which I can't wait to try. My doughnut-loving son and I spent several evenings together at bedtime, reading through the recipes and admiring the gorgeous photography.

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lemon basil pasta with toasted pine nuts and roasted zucchini

Have you heard the buzz that lemon is expected to be the "flavour of the year" for 2014? Lemons add refreshing zest and flavour to recipes, like a burst of sunshine on dark winter days. Lemons are also detoxifying and naturally cleansing, which is good news to those of us who may have spent December eating and drinking like debauched Roman emperors.

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