Natalie Richard: In Good Taste


Would You Cook For Your Dog?

Dog-Gone Good Cuisine

Good food is basic for good health, and that goes for dogs, too, of course!

As mothers, most of us love cooking for our kids and family. And even if we are not always in the mood, we make sure they have the best food on the table to grow healthy and strong. But would you go to the extent of cooking for your dog?

Dog-Gone Good Cuisine is a new and quite original book of easy and healthy recipes for you and your pooch.

Author, Gayle Pruitt, explains, “Research shows that children who have regular home-cooked meals and regularly eat with their families are healthier, fewer suffer from obesity . . . Likewise, a balanced, homemade varied diet for your dog keeps your dog healthy, happy and out of the veterinarian’s office.” She offers recipes that range from omelettes, soups, and appetizers, to beef, lamb, and fish; even pasta and veggie entrées are featured here, along with some desserts! All recipes are for dogs and humans alike, except for a few raw and cooked canine-only recipes. And following the latest food trend, all recipes are sugar-, soy-, and gluten-free!

All previous photos credit: John Grisham

I love the concept, and the pictures in the book are absolutely adorable! And yes, I might try one or two recipes for my dog, like some cookies or the mini muffins, maybe. But I wonder if my dog's digestive system would really like it? It seems to me that dogs are fragile that way. And even if I love my dog Morris very very much, and he is very much part of our family, I don’t see myself making him Salmon Florentine, Pears with Raspberry Sauce, Manicotti, or even Curried Beef Sliders. Sorry, Morris :(

Now I am curious, what about you? Would you cook for your dog?

Okay, maybe this lifesaving, diabetic-alert pooch and these therapy dogs, who help children learn to read, deserve a home-cooked meal!