Mummy Buzz


Pothead Mamas Defend Their Habit

Moms for Marijuana

Dope-smoking moms of the world are uniting to defend their habit against their wine-swilling peers. 

“Any hypocrisy is hard to swallow," a mom-of-two known as Margaret told Today Moms. "A drunk mother is pathetic and I often leave parties when I experience other mothers tying one on.” 

With the Moms for Marijuana group has close to 20,000 'likes' on Facebook, it seems that Margaret isn't alone in lighting a fat one while looking after her kids. Heck, she claims marijuana can even "make folding a pile of laundry fun. If I didn’t smoke, that’d be three piles later in the week.”

Although she keeps her daily habit under locks from her kids and (for fear of being judged) from other moms, you have to wonder whether pot and parenting really mix.

Aside from the health concerns from parents who get high in front of their kids, and at the risk of sounding like a killjoy, doesn't being under the influence interfere with your ability to parent? 

“Marijuana parents aren’t perfect, but they’re far less imperfect than parents who use alcohol irresponsibly,” says Diane Fornbacher, the co-vice chair of the Women’s Alliance at NORML, a non-profit working to legalize marijuana.

I'm with most Canadians. Owning a bit of recreational pot shouldn't be a crime. Still, I draw the line at drinking or smoking before the kids are in bed. Both substances cloud your judgment and in order to keep your children safe and happy, I believe you need a totally clear head at all times. 
Personally I like to be fully present while I'm with my son. High on life, or whatever. If someone can't relax without smoking or taking something, well, I'm sorry but maybe that's a habit worth breaking. 
What do you think? Can you parent effectively on dope? Is smoking pot any better or worse than drinking alcohol?