Mummy Buzz


Mom to Broadcast Labour on Internet


In an effort to demystify labour and promote home births, an Ottawa mom and birth coach plans to stream the arrival of her baby on the Internet.

"Women and young girls used to be exposed to birth throughout their lives," said 32-year-old Nancy Salgueiro, who is due on October 7. "When we took birth out of homes and moved it into the hospital we took away the generations of information handed down from one woman to the next."

Though Salgueiro has been accused of attention seeking, CBC News reports that over 800 people have already signed up to watch the 'big event' via her site.

Salgueiro hopes to give women a realistic idea of what to expect during pregnancy in a way that TV and books do not.

To sign up to watch the birth, all you need to do is provide an email address and name. Once labour begins, users will receive an email with a link to the live-stream video.

Salgueiro plans for a water birth, though it's unclear what will happen should complications arise during her broadcast. Will she provide a running commentary throughout the proceedings? Watch this space.

Is it appropriate, or even necessary, for the public to be privy to such a private experience?
