Mummy Buzz


When Disney Met Tim Burton: The Ultimate Mashup

The Classics as seen through a much, much darker lens

Disney Classics Reimagined |

If Disney is a little saccharine for your taste, then you may prefer Walt's classics reimagined by legendary filmmaker, Tim Burton. The clever mashup was done by Los Angeles artist, Andrew Tarusov.

Tarusov has turned the otherwise lovely princesses into goth girls, and I have to say this is possibly the best in a long line of manipulations of beloved Disney characters.

Even Disney has creepy elements, but as seen through Burton's much darker lens, the princesses themselves look zombified. Bats and spiders feature heavily. And the boy-like qualities of Pinocchio have been traded for that of a corpse. 


While the end results may be way too gothic and Box Troll for many kids, adults who grew up crushing on Scissorhands are all over the Burton homage. 

Tarusov admits even he isn't sure what sparked the unlikely coupling of Tim Burton and Disney. "It just happened and I began to draw immediately! It’s all drawn by pencil on paper and then coloured in Photoshop on my computer."

Burton fans may be eternally grateful - not so sure what the Disney execs will make of it, though. 

Image Source: Facebook Andrew Tarusov Pin-Up & Illustration