Mummy Buzz


'I'm So Pregnant' Parodies Iggy Azalea's 'Fancy'

I’m in the last month. I can’t even see my toes!

pregnant video

What's even better than Iggy Azalea's mega hit 'Fancy?' Answer: a parody of 'Fancy' called 'I'm So Pregnant' by WhatsUpMoms.

Instantly catchy and relatable, the 'I'm So Pregnant' will have you grinning and nodding along, recalling all the thrills and spills of being heavily pregnant. And if you happen to be expecting right now, work that bump, baby!

Much like this mom spoof of 'Let It Go,' 'I’m So Pregnant' has gone viral quicker than a pregnant lady climbing a set of stairs, with some 800,000 views in just five days.

The catchy chorus: "I’m so pregnant, you already know. I’m in the last month. I can’t even see my toes!"

According to an article in Today, the L.A.-based star and co-founder of What's Up Moms, Meg Resnikoff, isn't play acting, either. With two kids under five, she's currently nine months pregnant. Hopefully the response to the video should see her through the home stretch.  

From acid reflux and constant peeing, stretch marks, swollen ankles and unsolicited belly pats from strangers, Resnikoff covers the gamut. 

But it's not all bad, even for Resnikoff whose favourite part about pregnancy is “those trips to the doughnut shop after each doctor's appointment!"

Spill it: What was the highlight of being pregnant for you? And the low?