Mummy Buzz


Got What It Takes To Do The World's Toughest Job?

Nobody is going to do that for free!

World's Toughest Job

In line for a new career? Then perk up those ears. Question is, do you have the mettle to become the Director of Operations? An agency in Boston called Mullen posted a listing in newspapers and online. Though the ad was viewed millions of times, only 24 candidates applied.

According to an article in the Huffington Post, Mullen even held interviews via webcam. See what happens when those brave 24 discover just how grueling the prospective role is—what with crazy hours, including no holidays... Oh yeah, and no salary, either!

"Is that even legal?" asked one candidate, in disbelief. 

The real payoff is in the watching.

This writer believes we are selling ourselves a myth when it comes to our job.