Mummy Buzz


Girl Threatened With Expulsion Over Hair Style

A matter of racial targeting or a matter of adhering to school code? Can hair be distracting?

hair style controversy

Schools set the rules, but as one student is finding out, some policies demand legal interpretation. According to an article in the Huffington Post, The Faith Christian Academy in Florida has threatened to expel Vanessa VanDyke unless she changes her 'distracting' hairstyle. (It's an actual policy at the school.)

The African American 12-year-old girl is an honours student who happens to like her unique, "puffy" hair. Though VanDyke claims she gets teased and doesn't fit in due to her hair, she believes it has to do with it not being straight.

It's not the first time hair has been a matter of contention in an American school. A seven-year-old girl ended up changing schools just two months ago after she was forbidden from sporting dreadlocks.

What do you think: A matter of racial targeting or a matter of adhering to school code? Can hair be distracting?