Mummy Buzz


Girl Goes Back to School As A Boy

Wrenna to Wren


Back to school is a bit more dramatic for Wren Kauffman this year. When he goes back, he will be showing his true colours: even though he is a girl on the outside, on the inside he is every bit a boy. 

According to an article in the Toronto Star, the 11 year old from Edmonton is openly living with his transgender identity. A brave feat for someone so young. 

“If you’re not yourself, then it kind of gets sad and depressing,” says wise-beyond-his-years Wren. “I’m glad that I told everybody.”

As many as six of every 1,000 students experience transgenderism, say recent studies. While some families switch schools, or even provinces, to get a fresh start, the Kauffmans have opted for a more direct approach, 'transitioning' their son's sex over the summer months. 

Born Wrenna, Wren claims to have always felt like a boy, ditching dresses for Spiderman from his earliest years. Though his parents hoped the phase would pass, they considered that their daughter might be gay before conceding the sadness and frustration that came from living the gender assigned to him.

“I love you whether you’re a boy or a girl and I understand now," his mother finally said. "And we’ll figure out how we can help you. And we’ll do it together.”

The decision to go to the media was the Kauffmans' way of helping other families in the same predicament. When Wren 'came out' to his classmates, they were surprisingly supportive.

For those who are curious about the finer points, much like this child, Wren uses the boys' bathroom and changes in a stall in the boys’ gym locker room. He has already begun a drug plan to stall the onset of (female) puberty, and will take male hormones at age 16. At 18, he will consider whether to have gender reassignment surgery.

Do you feel honesty is the best policy for kids like Wren, or just an open invitation to bullies?

About the latter, Wren has a very mature approach. “People tease me right now and I can handle it. The way that I like to look at it is that they’re just practice for the real jerks in life. “. . . I don’t think I need people who don’t like me.”