Mummy Buzz


Do Exes Belong In Your Social Media Circle?

Dealing with the X-factor

Do Exes Belong In Your Social Media Circle?

A huge aspect of Facebook's allure, at least at its inception, was being able to track down (optional: stalk) ex partners. But is it advisable or even healthy to keep your former significant others in your social media circles? According to a writer at Slate, the answer is yes, but with it comes with a very large caveat—if and only if the exes in question weren't the truly toxic variety. 

Personally, given that the likes of Facebook prevent our past from ever truly receding, I tend to think sleeping dogs (ahem, exes) should lie. After all, exes are exes for a reason. Though we may be deeply curious about what they're up to, keeping them in the forefront of our internet activity is potentially hazardous, as the myriad ex-avoidance apps—Killswitch, Ex Lover Blocker, Eternal Sunshine—will attest. 

Even if there are no hard feelings, that little ember of attraction often remains a kindling distinct possibility on Facebook. And as this research proves, cyber-based dalliances can be just as emotionally damaging as the ones that take place face to face, in the flesh.

Do you keep in touch with your exes via social media? Why/why not?