Mummy Buzz


Superhero Dad Kills Gender Stereotypes Dead

You Don't want to be a mommy

OK, so I'll admit, I'd never heard of Sofia that First before now. I don't have a daughter. But then again, neither did the dad who has been hailed as pure awesome after his story eventually went viral on Reddit. 

According to the article in Huffington Post, this is what went down. A dad was in a big box store checkout when his son Sam begged him for a "Sofia the First" DVD. We've all been there, right? 

The dad politely reminded Sam that he already had a gazillion-and-one DVDs at home when one customer chimed in that anyway, Sofia is 'girl stuff' and proceeded to take his ignorance to the next illogical conclusion.

I won't spoil the outcome for you so do read below to see that magic does sometimes happen, and not just to Disney characters—though they can clearly be catalysts, as in this case. 

Many shout outs to the anon dad and to the anon older woman for setting the record straight. Ever witnessed a superhero parent in action? Spill it. We love being inspired.