Mummy Buzz


Are Blended Fruit Pouches Healthy?

Soupy Sticky Stuff

You might want to think twice before you reach for that fruit pouch. The pureed snack may seem healthy and convenient for those on the go, but according to an article in Huffington Post, the reality isn't necessarily so sweet.  

Particularly popular with "all-organic, anti-processed-food types," these snacks are handy for backseat travel, as there's no spill risk. 

But then appearances can be deceiving. As the author points out, the pouches are obviously more healthful than chocolate bars, yet they may be a dentist's nightmare. The "soupy sticky stuff" clings to teeth and may linger in a way that regular fruit doesn't, ultimately causing decay. 

Furthermore, many brands contain concentrated fruit juice and a ridiculous amount of sugar. Even naturally occurring fructose gives kids a fast hit of sugar instead of the slower release of insoluble fibre contained in whole fruit, potentially leading to a spike in blood sugar.

And the article suggests that over time, frequent sugar spikes have "the potential to harm the liver, cause insulin resistance, and increase heart disease risk."

So convenient though the pouches may be, when it comes to a healthy snack, it's just as quick to reach for an apple or a banana. 

"Perhaps most importantly," adds the author, "chomping on real fruits and vegetables will help your child consider food the right way: not as something processed and sold in plastic pouches, but as something whole and from nature—seeds and skin and bruises and all."

Are you a fan of fruit pouches?