Mummy Buzz


Young Philanthropist Helps SPCA

Steve Irwin Reborn

Happy news for a change! A girl from Vancouver Island is proving to be an inspiration after selling her stuffed animals and donating the proceeds to her local SPCA. 

According to an article in the Huffington Post, Kiana Jones was being touted as Steve Irwin reborn, after news of her philanthropic gesture was captured on Reddit, racking up more than 2,000 upvotes.

In one photo her card reads: 

"I sold my stuffed animals, so real animals can get better care. I got $40 bucks for you!"

Aside from the SPCA, Kiana has previously donated birthday money to endangered animals via the charity, Earth Rangers.

"She really wants to save all the animals. She has a good heart," said her mom Brianne in a Huffington Post article.

Kiana's generosity isn't unprecedented. All over Canada, children have held fundraisers—from lemonade stands to birthday money donations—proving that you're never too young to put others first.

This holiday season is the perfect time for your children to discover how good giving makes them feel. Find out what cause is nearest your tot's heart by using Kiana for inspiration.