Mummy Buzz


Worst Kids Halloween Costumes?

Ringing Hells Bells

Though zombies and vampires may be the subject of many hit books and movies—and yes, even dedicated parades in some cities—do we really want our kids patrolling the streets this Halloween looking like the undead?

This is a valid question posed in an article in Babble recently. What's the rule of thumb when dolling up your toddling one to trick or treat? Are ghouls and bloodsuckers ok for kids who might be scared of their own shadow? What about horror flick icons: think Chucky, Leatherface, Pinhead, and Jason Myers, and my personal chiller, the Scream mask?

Then there are a slew of mini pimps and pint-sized prostitutes... We all know some adults who jump at the chance to dress up (or down, as it were) for one night a year, but where do you draw the line for kids costumes?

Perusing the wares on Babble's slideshow from, it seems that sadly, shockingly, anything goes. And the results can even prove dangerous.

Would you let your child go out in any of these costumes? Or when it comes to costume appropriateness, is age the deciding factor?