Mummy Buzz


Are Men and Women Earning Equally in 2012?

Closing the Gender Gap

We've come a long way when it comes to the gender pay divide. We now have CEOs in the top of every corporate tree, but the question is: are we earning equally in the workplace in 2012? 

That's what infographic set out to discover. The answer: we still fall an average of 25 per cent short of the male pay packet, even though we still do the lion's share of housework and child rearing.

For lessons in equality we need only look eastward. Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark scored tops for working women, according to the 2011 Global Gender Gap Report. 

But before you get too depressed, Canadian women make up at least 62 per cent of university grads; we also make up one-third of federally appointed judges. And leading business ladies like Marissa Mayer and Meg Whitman are paving the way for ambitious women everywhere.

The times they are a-changing, but not nearly fast enough. Why do you think the pay discrepancy exists, if it's not a question of educational credentials?

See Jane earn
Courtesy of: MBA Programs