
Our girls love to make money.  Our son likes to get money, and does do chores for money, but would like to put as little effort into earning his wage as possible. Also, once he has money, there is no way he’s giving it up. The girls, on the other hand, want to make money and spend it or give to it to charity.

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God Bless Toopy and Binoo

Surviving The Terrible Twos

Siobhan, our youngest, is fast approaching the terrible twos…well, actually, I think they’ve arrived early.

She sits, hand in mouth, drool on chin, rash on bum, snot—everywhere, and she cries. She is cranky ALL. THE. TIME!

Wait, I take that back, she stops crying as soon as the Toopy and Binoo theme song comes on. Then she sits, and she watches without moving, until the show is over.

Then, she looks at me with her little, red cheeks and her tired eyes and she says “More Toopy Toopy, Mommy.”

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