
Our girls love to make money.  Our son likes to get money, and does do chores for money, but would like to put as little effort into earning his wage as possible. Also, once he has money, there is no way he’s giving it up. The girls, on the other hand, want to make money and spend it or give to it to charity.

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On Kids and Chores

Allowances, Bonus Chores and Penalties. This Is How We Do It

Tom and I both work, and we have 4 children who we taxi to school in the morning (it’s not a local school) and to sports in the evening. It doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for house work.

Full disclosure: There are 2 hours in the evening that could be used for house work, but we are usually so tired that we end up on the couch in front of the TV or computer.

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