
Psst! You Are Beautiful...Pass It On!

What messages are we passing on to our daughters?

“My mom weighs herself every single day and says she’s fat a lot.”

“My mom hates all her clothing and says she looks terrible in everything.”

“My mom never has dessert because she says it will make her fat.”

“My mom hates her legs and says they are too big. “

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Encouraging Our Daughters to Grow Up to Be Rockin' Grannies

Elle Canada and Elle Quebec prove beauty has no limits

I speak with many groups of girls of all ages about body image and self-esteem. I try to teach them the power they have in their hard-earned allowance money — either now or in the future. A lot of that power comes in the form of what magazines and goods they will decide to buy in the future or are currently buying right now.  We talk about what silent messages fashion photos can send, what stories a fashion editorial conveys and how girls and teens of all shapes and sizes feel when they are included in fashion or excluded. They learn from me and I learn from them.

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