Kelli Daisy: Scene and Heard


Should You Give Your Eight Year Old Botox

Taking Beauty Pagents Too Far

I know what you’re thinking when you read this title – probably something along the lines of ‘are you f-ing crazy?!’ but that’s exactly what one woman who lives in California did to her 8 year old daughter. She used the excuse that because her daughter is involved in the pageant circuit, and that other mothers do it to their daughters, that it’s ok to inject botox into the little 'lines' on her face. To be exact she would give 5 injections in 3 different places on her face.

Oh, but don’t worry, she doesn’t do it alot because ‘she's a kid.’ Yup, whew, thankfully she knows better than to over-botox her 8 year old – because that would be terrible! In fact, according to the Daily Mail, this is what the mother said;

'The few times that we did it, it would lessen the lines,'
'They wouldn't completely disappear, she's a kid. And we don't do so much to where it's going to make a big difference. Just on the lines.'

Now listen, I will not pretend to ever understand this pageant culture. I’ve watched with horror that ‘Toddlers and Tiara’s’ show and never realized how many of those pageant parents existed. But seriously ‘just on the lines'?! She does understand that those lines aren’t wrinkles, they're just where your face moves on a kid, right?! That’s like trying to botox out the wrinkles on your elbow! Of course when I first read this I was appalled, almost in a state of disbelief. But I was more appalled at the fact that this mother is allowing for the fact that her daughter is involved in pageants and that ‘she asked for it’ to be justification for her actions - to use it as an excuse. She went on to say that;

'I got influenced by some of the mums when we went to one of the pageants. They were telling me about the lines on her face. A lot of the mums are giving their kids Botox. It happens.’

Um, no it doesn’t! It doesn’t happen!!!! It doesn't happen to normal, well adjusted families!  But wait, this woman is from California – things make a little more sense now. California is the home of silicone - where stage moms are former wannabe starlets still desperately trying to hang on to their glory days.  Remember these girls – also from California. Maybe they think things like this are ok there?! Remind me to never ever move to California! OK maybe that’s a generalization, but it is food for thought.

This woman also goes on to say that;

'I have a normal child. It's not breaking her spirit. She's happy. She runs around. She's smart.

I have no doubt that this child is happy and smart – for now. It’s the mom I’m worried about. What kind of mother is living so vicariously through her child that winning a pageant trophy is more important than the physical and emotional well being of her child? Because that’s what this is about – the mother. This has nothing to do with this child – this is all about Mom’s feelings of inadequacies and her seeing her daughter as her second chance to relive her youth. Because mothers who care more about their children than they do themselves don’t botox and wax their 8year olds. Period.

Now I don’t pretend to understand this whole pageant world – not one bit. But what I do know is that I would never, ever want my child involved in anything that makes it ok for 8 year olds to get botox. I’m 38 and I don’t get botox and don’t see a time when I ever will. So what’s next – a nose job at 12? A boob job at 14? Collagen lip injections at 15? Because let’s face it – this mother is missing something in her life and is using her daughter – and her appearance - to fill that void. It’s hard enough going through adolescence with the typical pressures girls face without the added pressure of living up to your mother’s lost dreams. Imagine never feeling good enough – even for your mother!


So I want to know what you think – what do you think of young girls being botox’d and waxed in the name of beauty?

Scene and Heard
Confessions of a Pop Culture Mummy
